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Happy Mother's Day Mom❤
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Growing up in a salon

Some of the earliest memories I remember of my mom is being in the salon while she worked. At first it was at home clients in a little shop she created in our home. Then we would go with her to the salon she worked at in town. I can still remember the smells. She used to tell me talcom powder reminded her of her father who owned a barber shop. For me there are several smells. I can remember the smell of perms especially! Sometimes it smelled like rotten eggs and sulfer! I can remember the smell of baby powder and rubber gloves because she used to color my hair alot. Everytime I paint my nails the smell of acetone brings back memories of getting my nails done for prom. I use the same products she gave for me for my hair so everytime I shampoo and style my hair I can remember memories of countless times she would style my hair. It's hard to sit in a new salon chair without getting choked up a little. I am forever greatful to have had such a great mother in my life.



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